Tuesday, April 2, 2013

VIDEO - Knukonceptz KNF60 Distribution Block - Car Audio Fabrication First Look

As you guys well know car audio is an ever changing hobby. You may decide to add an amp to your install, or a secondary battery, and there is nothing more frustrating than having to completely re-do your install just to add an additional electrical component. If you take the time to make fiberglass bezels or beauty panels for your wire distribution the thought of making a change to that distribution is terrifying, as you would then have to redo all of your work. 

Well now these worries are a thing of the past! Check out my video review of the Knukonceptz KNF60 distribution block.

If you would like an additional product reviewed in the future let me know!



  1. Mark I am just in the stages of equipment purchasing and ran across this thread, My son and I are going from the stinger to the KnuKonceptz brand next week for all wiring and interconects....front to back, I appreciate your hard work. I hope to incorporate some of the ideas you have presented to the world. I will have my son document his progress on his car when we get started in 2 weeks. I hope it will be competition ready 30 days after we start.
    thanks again Billy

    1. Billy, I am glad to hear that! Thank you for the post! Please do me a HUGE favor and email KnuKonceptz when you purchase the equipment and let them know that I sent you over there. It would help me out a lot. Also be sure to subscribe to my videos on youtube and keep me posted on the progress! Keep it loud!

    2. I will do that without question. I have already subscribed months ago. His system will be sick and loud. What every 16 year old needs, Custom door panels 2-6.5 and tweets in each door, Custom fiberglass box for orion HCCA 15.2, Reference amps and full active system. takes me back to when I worked in car audio. I will document and upload what we can. thanks again and keep up the good work.
